Thursday, December 21, 2023

That Sounds Like A Bunch Of (Dungeon) Malarky To Me

Dungeon Malarky is 52 bits of weird fantasy set dressing. The cover is an outstanding tribute to a counter-culture classic. Art by J.E. Shields and Adrian Landeros is featured throughout the work. 

Each entry introduces a new eldritch bit or bob that will bring new life to your game. Levi gives us a few paragraphs with lore, descriptions, and origins of the material/hazard/resource.  That's not the end of it though. We also get some alchemist lore about how this weird shit can be used in your game. Every idea is memorable and this one is packed with the badass weirdness we've come to expect and love from Levi's work. This material is the secret spice to make the most bland tasting module a feast full of flavor.

The zine is OSR/system neutral. It wouldn't take much to use it with any game that prominently features dragons, dungeons, and the like.

At the time of posting you can order it from DMDave. Not sure if its available anywhere else but keep any eye out on Exalted Funeral. Also check out the newest PX Kickstarter project Assault on Witchgate 13.

As an added bonus here is some Pun-made Dungeon Malarky for your game:

Planet X Rizz

In the far reaches of space lies the mysterious Planet X. Though there aren't many concrete details, enlightened and mad folk across the known world know of it. They speak of bizarre and fantastic things, of delights that make the pulse rise, and horrors that make one's blood go cold. All agree no matter what the story, the place sounds badass!

Occasionally due to cosmic phenomenon, magical portals, or the capricious whims of the gods a piece of Planet X will make its way to the realms. Great creative power can be found in these pieces. They appear to be small pieces of obsidian at first, however their colors shift when held. Those that have held the shards say they hum with some sort of unknow energy, cause flesh to tingle.

Alchemist Lore: Even taken a part from the whole, pieces of Planet X retain traces of its legendary reputation. Young adventures have taken to grinding it into a fine powder the refer to as "rizz." Why? Who knows why kids do what they do? If rizz is added to any item during creation the end product will just be cooler on a fundamental level. Cloaks made with rizz dye seem to blow in the wind, even indoors. Blades with rizz powder will be accompanied by killer sound effects when wielded in combat. Any text written with rizz ink will be infused with the sheer awesomeness of Planet X and astound readers. Its said that rizz can even be ingested or snorted, but the alchemist community neither confirms or condones this.

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