Thursday, June 6, 2024

In A Violent Nature (2024)

I watched In A Violent Nature with a friend earlier this week and thought I'd give my thoughts. Don't worry, no real spoilers in this one. 

After picking up a locket found in woods, a group of friends are stalked by a mute killer.

In A Violent Nature is an artistic and refreshing take on the slasher subgenre. It's been described as an "ambient slasher" and I dig this description. The movie has no score and honestly almost feels like a nature documentary. The movie is slow and there are a lot of shots of the killer slowly stalking through the woods. The other most common type of shot is a static distant shot of action. The film has some insane kills, three of which I particularly enjoyed. One in particular made me as uncomfortable as something from Terrifier 2. The film also has some humor. Its not overt most of the time, but my friend and I found ourselves laughing in several spots. Ever wonder what happens when a slasher gets jump scared? It's pretty amusing. 

I don't think this one is perfect and I don't think it's for non-slasher fans. If you are a slasher fan, keep an eye out for Lauren-Marie Taylor (Vickie from Friday the 13th Part 2). I found myself thinking about the subgenre as a whole while sitting in the theater. 

In Your Game 
While the movie takes place in the province of Ontario, honestly it could have just as easily taken place in Appalachia or other wilderness. That's why I think you could definitely take some of the ideas from this and use it in Bloody Appalachia. If you want to play a one on one game based on this, using the Family Prodigy class from Beware of the Locals.

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