Saturday, August 19, 2023

VtM: Winter's Teeth #5

Issue #4 starts with Cecily and Ali catching up to the two Anarchs that attacked them, taking them out, and getting important information about the truth. The spend most of the issue evading other kindred seeking to Diablerize them. They do so using explosives, a big ass sniper rifle, and the aid of the Nosferatu (who believe Cecily has empathy and compassion). Finally the pair confront Calder, who's holding Cecily's sister hostage. She reveals to Calder that it was Erin Runningbear that had the Prince Killed, not her. They strike a bargain in which Calder calls off the Blood Hunt, doesn't kill Runningbear, and agrees to make Ali his envoy to the Anarch's (making her untouchable). Cecily and Ali have a heart to heart. The story ends with Cecily going to her quiet secluded spot. Looking at Arlen's files, she learns that Ali is the daughter of a hunter. This leads right into The Anarch's Tale Part 5 as she is then joined by King Rat. It's revealed that the two are still close, even though they don't run in the same pack anymore. King lets her know their pack has disbanded. Mitch and Colleen discuss their embrace and part ways. Priscilla and her new ghouled hunter meet up at a religious service. It's show the minister has rattle snakes, which supports my Ministry believe about her. Finally King Rat warns her about Ali and mentions Cecily's sire, which angers her. The issue ends with a solitary and hungry Colleen talking with a new group (who's leader, Desmond, she recognizes). 

Of course we're presented with game bits. Another member of Prince Samantha's court, the Toreador Jim Gerswhin is given stats and discussed. Finally there's a portrait of the court. 

This is the finally of the series first arc. I honestly didn't expect the Blood Hunt to only last an issue and the mystery to get solved so quickly. I'm not disappointed, just didn't see it coming so quickly. The revelation that Ali might not be who she says she is surprised me (though maybe it shouldn't). I'm curious if Colleen is going to be the focus of the continued Anarch's Tales or if it will shift between the group. 

Grab issue #5 here.

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