Monday, September 19, 2022

100 Days of Halloween: Day 59

 The cover to Ghostly Weird Stories #122 is definitely one of the my favorite shares for this.

Astro Zombies

The reanimated corpses have experienced some sort of strange radiation or spore that's reanimated them. They are tougher than typical walkers and the remnants of their space suits make them slightly fire resistant and harder to damage.

Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 4
Move: 9
Actions: 1
Attack: Claw (1d4) or Bite (1d4)
Special: +2 to Toughness, additional +4 toughness vs fire, bite spreads zombie virus
Bonuses: +5 to Melee attacks, +1 to Damage
Pack Size: 1d4+1
Methods of Termination: destroying the brain

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