Sunday, October 9, 2022

October Horror Movie Challenge - Unfriended (2014)

A group of teens chat is interrupted on the 1 year anniversary of the death of their classmate.

While I know others have come out sense Unfriended was an interesting idea when it came out. The entire film is scene through phone and computer video. Essentially the film is just a lengthy conversation between six teenagers that switches between screens. The movie takes place in real time, which is a novel idea.

All those interesting idea and aspects aside, this move has some issues. One of the main ones is is the characters just aren't that interesting. The characters are self-absorbed and I didn't really care if they lived or died. The twists and reveals in the flick don't really come off as that shocking. From a horror perspective you don't really see much and there's not enough tension. In general the kills are meh and again, I didn't find myself caring whether kids lived or died. 

This film is a rather boring PSA about cyberbullying and it's one you can skip.

In Your Game
While the execution and characters were dull, there are some good ideas here. The mystery behind the bullying set events in motion could make for a good modern teen adventure.

New Movies: 10
Others Horror Movies Watched Since Last Post: 
Challenge Total: 19

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