Friday, February 16, 2024

Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game Kickstarter

The Valiant Adventures Roleplaying Game is in it's final days on Kickstarter. If you aren't aware of this project it takes the Valiant comic book universe and converts it to Mutants and Masterminds (much like the previously released and now out of print DC Adventures Roleplaying Game). This will use the 3rd edition of M&M (again like DC Adventures), though I believe it's a bit more streamlined and updated (thought still fully compatible with previous 3e content).

The project as two books: Valiant Adventures Hero's Handbook and the Worlds of Valiant. The Hero's Handbook is everything you need to play. Worlds of Valiant is a larger sourcebook that will talk about the setting and give stats to the characters inhabiting it. There is also a Gamemaster's Kit, cards, and more. 

Mutants and Masterminds used to be my go-to supers game. I have some wonderful memories with it and one of my all time favorite campaigns I ran used the system. That being said it just seems so crunchy to me now. I'm personally on the fence about this one, but I'm glad to see the project is doing well.

If you want to check out the rules and setting, there is a free Quickstart that can be found here.

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