Saturday, May 11, 2024

Update From The Halls

Thought I'd give a little update on what's up at the Halls. I still don't have a computer yet, but that will change in the next day or two. My friend Lindsey got a new computer and is passing on her old laptop to me. That means I will be blog more regularly (instead of just when I head to the library). This means I'll start on my review of the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game.

I'm still looking for a new job and have plenty of free time. I've decided I want to start working on some new projects to release as The Lone Bards (though since Josh had given up writing for now it's the Lone Bard).  I've been on a TMNT kick recently. Started reading the comics again which has been fun. Thinking about sitting down and watching all of the major series (1987, 2003, 2012, and Rise of the the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). What does this have to do with The Lone Bards? Well, one of the projects I want to do is an original game that's an homage to TMNT (and the series it spawned like Street Sharks and Toxic Crusaders). I haven't fully decided if I'm going to go full Saturday Morning Cartoon camp, classic gritty, or somewhere in between... though I'm leaning towards somewhere in between. It will probably never get finished like most of the ideas I have, but sometimes I think just having a goal helps my mental state out, even if I never get to the point of achieving it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, this all sounds awesome. Good luck with the job search; I currently find myself in the same situation and am only staying sane by continuously nerding out in my head.

    "...but sometimes I think just having a goal helps my mental state out, even if I never get to the point of achieving it..."

    Spot on for some of us, my friend. I recently started (but didn't finish, imagine that) a blog post about how I think maybe I'm just wired to always want to move on to the next thing, and how I should maybe just accept that...but I think your quote nails why it might still be worthwhile to go all-in on whatever niche topic we're stoked about at the moment!
