Saturday, July 6, 2024

More Old-School Goodness From Itch.Io

Here are some more fun and free/pwyw OSR goodies I've found on 

The Perpetual Cheese is a pamphlet adventure by TabletobRPG. There is no real plot, per se. It's just a cave complex your party will come across. A group of kobolds have discovered a lost shrine to the Dionysus (the god of cheese and wine in this incarnation). Being master cheesemakers he's gifted them with a perpetually growing cheese culture (which is a cheese culture slime in game terms). Unfortunately for the kobolds a group of kobold-eating dwarves has entered the complex. This adventure sounds really fun and I can't wait to use it. I do think it's odd that the fact the dwarves will eat another sentient is just casually mentioned. Also, the kobolds in this adventure are the more modern little dragons, rather than classic canine-like humanoids. This last point isn't a big deal to me and I'll just reskin them when I use it. 

The Place in the Bog is a short one-page low level adventure site made by Skullfungus to be used with most old school fantasy rpgs. The stats are very bare bones. The party is urged to find the source creating spudlings (which I imagine are some sort of potato-based humanoid) This can be a standard hack and slash, though players could also roleplay through this one. I adore the art Skullfungus makes. His style is fantastic!

Finally if you are looking for some unique foes for your OSE games I recommend The Fae Queens and The Nightmare Angels by Pitch Black Lair. The Fae Queens presents three powerful queens from beyond the stars. The come from the Far Realm, though unlike normal denizens of that realm they appear to be quite beautiful. The Nightmare Angels is a similar product overall. It presents three angels. A blazing stone fell from the sky and when it did everyone on the planet had the same nightmare. From this nightmare three angels, inspired by three concepts from the nightmare came into being. Even if you feel like using the background flavor, these are some unique and powerful foes to include in your games.


  1. My thanks as well. The Perpetual Cheese has now become my top "in case of emergency grab this from your back pocket" option.
