Sunday, December 8, 2024

"Don't Take Drugs! Or Else!"

In the 80’s DC Comics partnered with different organizations to do anti-drug specials with the Titans. Because of a licensing issue with Nabisco they couldn’t use Robin. That why Marv Wolfman created Protector (the guy in purple). I have two of the three anti-drug issues and hope to grab the third at some point,

Protector later made main continuity appearances, and was revealed actually have a severe drug problem (in Heroes In Crisis). He, along with many heroes are killed in that story, though a later Flash issue reveals that the bodies found were clones from the future and the heroes were in the 31st century. I haven't done 5e supers stats in a bit, so here's the Protector.
Code Name: Protector
Real Name: Jason Hart
Pronouns: He/Him
Team Affiliations: Titans

Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Good 

Armor Class: 15 (Costume, Dex)
Hit Points: 52 (8d8+16)
Speed: 30 ft.
Challenge: 1 (200 XP)

Str 14 (+2) Dex 18 (+4) Con 14 (+2) Int 13 (+1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)

Saving Throws: Dex +6 
Skills: Acrobatics +6,  Persuasion +4, Stealth +6
Senses: passive Perception 10
Languages: English

Cunning Action: On each of his turns, Protector can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Engage, or Hide action.

Multiattack: Protector can make two unarmed strikes.
Unarmed Strike: Melee Weapon Attack. +6  to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) bludgeoning damage.

Kip Up: After being knocked prone the Protector flips up and is no longer prone.

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