Wednesday, January 22, 2025

She's A Real Stunner

It's been a while since I've statted up an obscure comic villain, so here's 5e stats for a Spidey villain from the 90's Clone Saga era. She was brought back for a story in 2013 and is still technically around and kicking in 2025.


Angelina Brancale was an overweight video clerk who suffered from depression. She was recruited by Carolyn Trainer (Doctor Octopus II) to work for the original Doctor Octopus. Angelina immediately fell for Doc Ock and allowed herself to test his virtual reality tech.  This tech allowed her to create a new body that she could cause to materialize and send her consciousness to. Because of the unstable nature of the program this body would sometimes dematerialize at inopportune moments or when exposed to too much force.

Her new form, donned Stunner, was a 7 ft amazon beauty with super strength and durability. She served Ock faithfully and sought to resurrect her love when he was killed by the Spider-clone, Kaine. In the aftermath of that incident her physical body went into a coma.

When she woke from the coma, she learned that her love was dead and believed he'd been killed by Spider-Man. Unknown to her, Otto, was actually inhabiting Peter Parker's body at the time and was Spider-Man. Spider-Man created a virtual version of Otto to make her think he was still alive. Unfortunately this Otto told her that while he will always care for her, he found a new love.


Angelina is a Commoner (basic 5e) or Average Citizen (Carbide City), though I'd increase her Int a bit. The stats below are for her Stunner form.

Code Name: Stunner
Real Name: Angelina Brancale
Pronouns: She/Her
Team Affiliation: -

Medium Construct, Chaotic Neutral 

Armor Class: 14 (Dex)
Hit Points: 73 (7d8+42)
Speed: 30 ft.
Challenge: 2 (450 XP)

Str 22 (+6) Dex 18 (+4) Con 22 (+6) Int 12 (+1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 16 (+3)

Saving Throws: Str +8
Skills: Athletics +8, Intimidation +5
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses: passive Perception 10
Languages: English

Unique Traits
Dematerialize: When Stunner is reduced to 0 hit points, she dematerializes. Angelina must wait 24 hours until she can recreate her.
Unstable Tech: When Stunner takes damage from a Critical Hit she must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 14) or dematerialize.

Mutliattack: Stunner can make two slam attacks.
Slam: Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+6) bludgeoning damage.

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