Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Stranded (2023)



When their mother passes, three siblings take a road trip south to spread her ashes. While driving through a forest their car breaks down and they find themselves besieged by the legendary Fouke Monster.


I will start by admitting I most likely have some bias here. Concept Media are an Ohio based film company and I helped crowdfund this one. That being said this is probably the best bigfoot horror flick I've seen. I think this is the best looking bigfoot I've seen in a movie. Note, it doesn't look like the image shown above. I believe one of the reasons I dig this more than most other bigfoot movies is the focus here is on the family dynamic. Most of the movie focuses on three siblings and a spouse. In particular, Dale Miller and Brittany Blanton really shine. The family trapped in their vehicle takes up a good portion of the flick. This gives the film a really claustrophobic feel. Unlike most Concept Media films I've seen this one doesn't have much gore or blood. Much of the horror comes from the atmosphere and tension of being stranded in the woods with something inhuman. Some of the events are telegraphed early on, but I don't feel its detrimental to the film overall. The ending surprised me too. 

As of the time of posting, you can stream it for free on Tubi. You can also grab it on Blu-Ray or VHS on the Concept Media Merch page.

In Your Game

If you want to use him in your SURVIVE THIS!! games, the Fouke Monster appears in The DP&D Cryptid Manual 2 and Ultimate Cryptid Manual. If you play OSE, DCC, or 5e the stats are in the Cryptid Manual (which has the same content as the Ultimate Cryptid Manual, just in a different system).

Monday, February 17, 2025

Presidential Gaming

Today's President's Day (officially Washington's birthday at the federal level) here in the states. Like many of my fellow Americans I'm disappointed and anxious at the current state of the country. I really miss the time that presidents were public servants and there wasn't a cult built around them. Okay, now that I'm done pining about the state of the country, I'll do what I do best and use the day as an excuse to point folks to relevant previous posts. 

If you want to smile, check out the Ash4President videos. Speaking of Ash, he teamed up with Obama in a miniseries and you can find my Cinematic Unisystem stats for President Obama here. If you need something a little more current you can add these 5e stats of President Musk (aka Phony Stark). I can't find Scott Woodward's Drumpf 5e stats anymore so I can't help you if you want to add Cheeto Mussolini to your 5e game. If you're playing Blue Rose though, my friend Tim Brannan did a conversion of him for that system that you can find here. If you need some red hate* mooks for your 5e games, the Sons of Themyscira are perfect. These would be appropriate too.

*That was originally a typo, but it fits perfectly. 

Captain America: Brave New World (2025)

Watched the new Cap movie Saturday with my kiddo. While there might be some minor details that weren't included in the trailers, there are no major spoilers here.


Sam Wilson has truly come in to his own as Captain America. He and his partner, Joaquin Torres, the new Falcon, find themselves drawn into political intrigue involving newly elected president, Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. 


This flick is getting a lot of negative press online, but I really enjoyed it. Anthony Mackie does a great job of showing how Sam has grown into his new role. He still has doubts, but he's much more confident. He's not Steve Rogers, he doesn't have the super soldier serum. He does have some new tech to help even the playing field. Sam's Cap suit includes Vibranium. Danny Ramirez reprises his role  from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Joaquin Torres. Torres is the new Falcon. He brought of lot of heart and levity to the flick, which is overall a political thriller. Carly Lumbly returns as Isaiah Bradley, the "Black Captain America." He was my favorite part of the movie. His character is inspiring and tragic. Honestly there were a few of his scenes that left me heartbroken. Harrison Ford has taken over the role of Thunderbolt Ross since William Hurt's passing. I thought he did a good job. While flawed, this version of Ross seems like he's really trying to change. While I didn't feel as strongly as I did with Bradley, Ross has a few moments in the film that are emotional. We get a few new members of the MCU. The most important is Shira Haas as Ruth Bat-Seraph. In the comics Ruth is Sabra, mutant and agent of Israel. While the character is still Israeli, she works for President Ross and isn't an agent of her homeland. I personally think this was a good move. The final new addition to the MCU is Giancarlo Esposito as Sidewinder. Esposito is always fantastic and while I love the over the top costumes of the comic iteration of the Serpent Society, having them be an ultraviolet mercenary special ops teams makes perfect sense for the more grounded MCU.

The flick addresses a change to the world that took place in Celestials. The remains to Tiamut, dubbed Celestial Island, has become important in the global climate. Why? The reason is simple and exciting (especially if you're a fan of a certain feral short Canadian). A new element called Adamantium has been discovered. 

I've seen a complaint about the movie that it's just The Incredible Hulk 2. While the movie definitely has some call back, Brave New World is Cap movie, first and foremost. It's an entertaining mix of action, political intrigue, and heart. Is it as good as Winter Soldier? No, I personally think that's the best MCU movie. Brave New World is a solid superhero flick with heart though.

In Your Game

I love the character Isaiah Bradley. He originally appeared in the miniseries Truth: Red, White, and Black. In the 616 he's an underground legend among the African and African-American communities. He had visits from real life figures such as Malcom X, Richard Pryor, and Nelson Mandela. He was an honored at Storm and T'Challa's wedding. He's also the grandfather of the Elijah Bradley (the original Young Avenger's Patriot).

The MCU version first appeared in The Falcon and Winter Soldier. He's portrayed by Carl Lumbly. This isn't Lumbly's first foray into superheroics (having starred in the Fox series M.A.N.T.I.S. and as Martian Manhunter in Justice League/Justice League Unlimited). This is the version I'm going to stat out.

Code Name: Captain America
Real Name: Isaiah Bradley
Pronouns: He/Him
Team Affiliation: -

Medium, Humanoid (Human), Neutral Good

Armor Class:
 15 (Dex)
HP:  95 (10d8+50)
Speed: 30 ft.
Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)

Str 20 (+5) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 13 (+1) Wis 17 (+3) Cha 12 (+1)

Saving Throws: Str+9, Con +9 
Skills: Athletics +9, History +5, Insight +6, Perception +7, Survival +7
Proficiencies: Demolitions, Vehicles (Land)
Senses: Passive Perception: 17
Languages: English 

No Soldier Gets Left Behind: The first time an ally within 30 ft fails a Death saving throw, they may reroll it. This ability can't be used again until Isaiah takes a short rest.
Second Wind: On his turn, as a bonus action, Isaiah can draw on his stamina reserves to heal 1d10+10 hit points. He can't use this ability again until he takes a short or long rest. 

Multiattack: Isaiah makes three attacks.
Unarmed: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) bludgeoning 

Music Monday - Homunculus

Homunculus is the theme for the last My Hero Academia movie, You're Next. The film takes place after the U.A. Traitor Arc, but before the Final War Arc. It’s US home release will be April 1st. Check out the movie's opening song.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happily Never After

Watching this REC 3: Genesis has become one of the only Valentine’s Day traditions I have. I originally reviewed this one for the October Horror Movie Challenge in 2014. Decided to do a new review after watching it tonight. There are some spoilers, but the movie is 13 years old, so you've been warned. 

Two young lovers have their wedding day ruined when a demonic zombie outbreak happens at their wedding.


If you aren't familiar REC is a four film Spanish horror franchise. The first two movies are about an apartment building that sees some sort of zombie-like outbreak. The first two films are two of the best found footage movies I've seen. REC 3: Genesis starts out in the same found footage style, but once hell breaks loose one of the protagonist breaks the wedding videographer's camera and the film shifts to a standard cinematic flick.  In case you're wondering, the fourth and final film in the series is also shot in the standard manner. Of the four movies, REC 3 is my favorite. It is a departure from the other three in that it's a standalone story and it also has quite a bit dark comedy. 

Koldo and Clara are the perfect protagonists. They are an attractive young couple, truly in love, and getting married. The cast of characters are pretty entertaining.  We have various family members, a videographer, Sponge John (a character that is legally distinct from Spongebob Squarepants), and a person that infiltrated the wedding reception to file a law suit against the happy couple for any copyrighted song played. Though I like the characters, they are flawed. Like most folks in horror flicks they make some really stupid decisions. For example, it's revealed that the infected zombies are possessed by demons. The demons can be seen in reflections. The creatures also can't enter holy ground, are harmed by holy water (at least that's what Koldo's grandmother says), and held at bay when they hear the priest praying or reading scripture. Do survivors stay in the church where it's safe? Of course not.

Watching Clara cut part of her dress off with a chainsaw and then fighting with it is one of the most badass and hot things I've seen in a movie.

Like many horror flicks, this one doesn't have a happy ending. Despite that I think it has a romantic one. I'm don't get me wrong it's fucked up, but it's still sweet. You can see gifs of it in here.

In Your Game
I recently got my pdf copy of SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! Ultimate Edition so I thought I'd stat the demonic zombies out for that system. I'm also adding that book and several other Bloat Games books I have to my "to review" list.

These zombies were created when demons cast out by God at Genesis returned to Earth and possessed mortals. 

Pack Size: 1-12
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 2
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack: Bite (1d4-1 + fallen infection), claws (d4-1 + fallen infection), slam (d4), by weapon
Special: Undead (they can run), Unholy, toughness +2, Fallen zombie
Bonuses: +3 to melee attacks, +3 to damage, +2 to Spot & Listen
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 10
Madness: -
Terror: 12
HDE: 1

Unholy infection: If their bite or claws deal damage, the target must make a Poison Save, or they will become infected. If infected, they are at -2 to all attack & skill rolls, lose ½ their Move (rounded up), and lose 1 HP an hour until magically or psychically healed or until they make another Poison Save attempt. They may try another Poison Save every 3 hours. If they die while infected, they will become a fallen.

Undead-like: While they are technically living, like undead they are immune to Poisons, stuns, being sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.

Unholy: While they appear as regular zombies, a Fallen's reflection reveals its true forms. Any Holy Man can spend their turn reciting prayers or quotes to cause all Fallen to become immobile while listening to the religious words. The Fallen cannot enter holy ground.

Fallen zombie: They will continue to try to eat the living until they are reduced to 0 HP. 

Fuccubus Friday - Valentine’s Day Edition.

 I love Cassandra Dunn’s art so sharing her latest Valentine’s Day piece was a no brainer.

Happy Valentine's Day

Here's a romantic loot table for your game, compliments of Lady Tiefling.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Is Your View Askew?

Are you a fan of the 90's slacker films of Kevin Smith? Do you dig monster of the week shows like Buffy?  If you answered yes to one or both of these, then you should check out the latest Kickstarter by Bloat Games. Askew is the 1990's slacker subculture and supernatural tabletop roleplaying game. 

This RP heavy game is about teens and 20 somethings saving their small town from demonic and other supernatural threats. The game is a hack of Cairn. Sessions are treated as an episodic tv sitcom. 

I think it sounds like a blast and if you enjoy this blog, you might too.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Music Monday - Hellfire

A few weeks ago I watched the second season of Arcane. The animation is spectacular and I love that the series deals with loss, identity, class struggles, and innovation. While I have no interest in playing League of Legends, the game it's based on, I thoroughly enjoyed the series. I highly recommend checking Arcane out if you have Netflix.

This week's Music Monday post is a song that featured in episode 3 of season 2, Fever 333's Hellfire.

The conflict  between the wealthy utopia of Piltover and the seedy oppressed undercity of Zaun is at the forefront of the series. Last August I reviewed Underbridge, a queer dark fantasy location/minisetting for Old School Essentials. If you want to include a hub like Zaun in your games, I think it'd be an excellent resource.