I thought these little buggers would make a frightening and interesting addition to my Crypts & Things game.What you will find below is a basic sliver. Choose one of the following type templates and add to it and bam, instant sliver. Be careful when using these little buggers, they can get really deadly really quickly.
My goal is to stat out all slivers, I will do them chronologically based on release, so this post is just slivers from Tempest.

Slivers are alien creatures that share a hive mind, which enables them to allow other slivers access to their genetic traits. The deadly creatures motivations are unknown. Rumors persist that their are stronger slivers and perhaps even sliver gods.
Basic Sliver
Armor Class 8 (11)
Hit Dice: 1d6
Attack: Talon (1d4)
Saving Throw: 18
Special: Gains abilities of other slivers within 60'
Move: 13
Alignment: Neutrality
Challenge Level/XP: Special (Challenge rating varies, Each sliver is worth 20 experience per sliver in the brood, for example if their are 4 slivers, each is worth 80 XP)
Advanced Sliver
Armor Class 7 (12)
Hit Dice: 2d6
Attack: Talon (1d4+2)
Saving Throw: 16
Special: Gains abilities of other slivers within 120'
Move: 13
Alignment: Neutrality
Challenge Level/XP: Special (Challenge rating varies, Each sliver is worth 40 experience per sliver in the brood, for example if their are 4 slivers, each is worth 160 XP)

Muscle Sliver - Sliver gains +5 hit points and +2 damage, cumulative
Winged Sliver -Sliver gains movement 18 (flying)
Clot Sliver -Sliver gains the following ability, "When this sliver is dealt its death blow it makes a saving throw, if the saving throw is successful, the sliver is instead just reduced to 1 HP."
Heart Sliver - Sliver gains +2 initiative
Talon Sliver - Sliver's melee attacks gain 5' of range
Advanced Sliver Templates
Armor- Sliver gains -1(+1) to Armor Class, cumulative
Mnemonic Sliver - Sliver's saving throw improves by two
Mindwhip Sliver -Sliver gains the following ability, "When this sliver is death its death blow the attacking character must make a saving throw or take 1 sanity damage."
Barbed Sliver - Sliver gains any creature making a melee attack against this creature takes 2 damage
Horned Sliver - Sliver's talon now gains an additional gore attack that does 1d6 damage.
New Magic Item
Metallic Sliver
The metallic sliver is a creation of mad archmages that believe they can infiltrate and ultimately control sliver broods. Once activated (which is done in a special ceremony that requires sliver blood), the creature acts as a basic sliver with no template. It typically serves its master's commands faithfully. However the creatures have been known to go rogue. The sliver must make a saving throw (10) every time it encounters a true sliver. If the the save is fail the creature goes native and becomes a monster.
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