I wasn't initially a big fan of the novels or series, but they've really grown on me (or stabbed me in the back/poisoned/infected me). The "edition" of the game I purchased is pretty much the same as the original edition rules-wise (though it does have some updated rules). The big change in editions is that my version also includes the quickstart adventure and a longer adventure that was originally seperate.

Woodlands Creatures, the other book I purchased, is a monster of an entirely different sort. It contains bestiary stats for different types of creatures, from the mundane to the legendary. While again it isn't based in the Westeros setting, there are still things that could be used, especially with the resurgence of magic and things in the setting. There are even new pc options, if you want a character that is an animal trainer. If you plan on running a game using the Chronicle System (which sifrp uses), the pdf is worth the $5.00 price.
Once I get a better feel for the rules and things I'll probably post a review. This is one of those game that has a lot of potential, looks great, but I have a feeling I'll never actually get to run/play.
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