Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for Drunkard

A classic (many would argue cliche) start to a D&D adventure or campaign is "You're sitting in a tavern when..." That being said, in my experience a lot of time is spent in drinking halls, inns, and taverns in D&D. Of course, like real world watering holes, D&D taverns are populated by various drunkards.  Even classic adventures featured them and they weren't necessarily what you expected them to be. The Village of Hommlet's Elmo comes to mind. Below are my two favorite fantasy drinking songs, Alestorm's Wenches and Mead and Scythia's Bear Claw Tavern.

Oh yeah, D is for Drunkard...

Lem Tealeaf

The debauched (and plump) halfling, Lem Tealeaf is a normal sight at Bear Claw Tavern.

He tends to spend his days hitting on wenches and doing practical jokes and stunts for drinks. He's tolerated by the owner of Bear Claw, because his father adventured with the man in their youth.

His antics commonly earn him the ire of the aged wizard, Malgen. Constant exposure to the wizards lightning spells have made Lem resistant to electricity attacks and also rendered him (thankfully) sterile.

Lem isn't as adventurous as his cousins Tomkin and Gren, but Lem has been known to sign on for an adventure or two. He normally accepts pay in gold or drink, preferably the latter.

Lem Tealeaf, Halfling Drunk
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2
HP: 10
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: Dagger
Damage: 1d4
Save As: Halfling 2
Morale: 8
Alignment: Neutrel

When hiding in the wilderness, Lem has only a 10% chance of being detected. In other areas he has a 2-6 chance of being undiscovered. Lem is also immune to electricity damage. However, he must still make the saving throw when affected by such spell. If he fails, he is unable to take any actions the next round.

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