Monday, November 30, 2015

Fallout - The Races Part I

Today I'm going to present my preliminary draft of the race write-ups for my 5E Dungeons and Dragons Fallout hack. I'm focusing on humans, ghouls, and super mutants. Tomorrow I'll discuss robots. These are bare bones descriptions. I'll give more detailed descriptions in later drafts.You can find my initial overview of the project here.


Humans are the default (and most numerous) race in the Fallout world. They are a varied species but share these common traits.

Ability Score Increase. Two difference scores of your choice increase by 1.

Alignment: Humans can have good, neutral, or bad karma. They are a varied race.

Size. Medium

Skills. You gain proficiency in a skill of your choice.

Perk. You gain one perk of your choice.

Speed. Base walking speed is 30 ft.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write your native tongue.


Ghouls (or post-necrotic humans) are humans who have been exposed to massive amounts of radiation, but haven't had the good fortune to die. This essentially turns them into walking. talking, decaying bodies.

Ability Score Increase. Constitution is increased by 2. Wisdom is increased by 1

Alignment: Because of their treatment by humans, ghouls tend to have neutral karma, thought hey can be good or bad.

Size. Medium

Speed. Base walking speed is 30 ft.

Addiction Resistant. You gain advantage on saving throws to resist chemical addiction.

Radioactive. You are immune to radiation damage and the various radiation conditions.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write your native tongue.

Super Mutants

Super Mutants are humans that have been exposed to the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus). This changes the color of their skin, grants them inhuman strength and endurance, immunity to radiation and disease, and makes them more than a bit mentally unstable.

Ability Score Increase. Constitution is increased by 2. Strength is increased by 1

Alignment: Super Mutants tend to be bad. However some rise above their nature and are neutral or rarely good.

Size. Medium

Speed. Base walking speed is 30 ft.

Resistant. You are immune to radiation and disease.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write your native tongue.

Subrace. There are two known types of super mutants. Choose one of the subraces.

Ability Score Increase. Strength is increases by 1.

Regeneration. You receive two dice for each die you choose to spend on healing during a short rest.

Madness. Unless you are currently under the affects of a stealth boy, you have disadantage on wisdom saving throws.

Stealth. You add double your proficiency bonus on all stealth checks.

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