Synopsis: Nerdy Cole soon discovers that his hot, but nerdy babysitter, Bee is involved in a satanic cult and must fend for his life.
The Good: This movie has a beautiful and funny cast. I literally laughed out loud way more then I expected too. Cole and Bee's relationship feels right and sweet. Cole is a great protagonist and it's cool to see mature (due to the crazy circumstances he's put in). Robbie Ammel's Max was my favourite character. He was just hot and insane. He had the best lines. Also, it was great to see Ken Marino as a non-douche bag character.
The Bad: There was some definite juvenile humor, but as I've said several times, I don't look to horror movies for high brow humor. Bee's friends were kind of annoying, but that's not a deal breaker (and was intentional).
Final Thoughts: This is a fun horror comedy. It just debuted last Friday on Netflix.
In Your Game:
New To Me Movies Watched: 18
Total Movies Watched: 29
Agreed, this was pretty good. 3/5, probably. I particularly enjoyed the "POCKETKNIFE, BITCHES!" part. Not bad for a horror comedy at all.