Sunday, January 7, 2018

Halls of the Nephilim Plans For 2018

I'm setting some publishing goals for myself this year and I'm making them known to others because I feel it makes me more accountable for them. This is a list of the pdfs I want to release this year.

Light City Multiverse: Earth Zed - A Night of the Living Dead/Marvel Zombies inspired setting book for Light City

Legends of Light City: Suicide Kings - Super criminals turned heroes employed by the government... basically Light City's version of Suicide Squad.

Light City Foes: Kaiju - Giant monsters to destroy your city and give your heroes a run for their money. This will feature monstrosities like Konga and Gorgo.

Light City Tech and Gadgets - A treasure book for Light City which will include rules for trophies.

Cade Ashworhy's A-Z Guide to Alcohol - Those of you that read this blog regularly might remember Cade from 2016's April A-Z challenge. I would to compile my posts, clean them up, change the WOTC IP references, and release it as a 5E supplement.

Portsmaw Setting - Portsmaw is my Appalachia-inspired Swords & Wizardry Light setting. I've talked about this one a lot. I've been talking to folks about art for it and this is already in the works. +David Coppoletti will be helping out with this one. I'd really like to see this one in print somehow. If I'm really pleased with how things turn out, I might see if I can drum up interest I may try to Kickstart it. Not sure though because that's a big endeavor.
I’m sure I will release many more Light City pdfs this year, but the ones I mentioned above are definitely going to happen.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting and varied slate there. Good luck! Can't wait to see them :)
