Saturday, May 11, 2019

Rejoining the Masquerade

Recently I have had a desire to run a vampire game. I have Vampire: The Requiem and Blood Dark Blood Dark Thirst is a simple and elegant game design, but doesn't have the depth that I want. It's very similar to old school Vampire in concept, but gets rid of the all of the meta plot and clans and such. Thing is, I really liked all that stuff and it was part of the reason I loved old school Vampire so much. I think the rules are tighter in Vampire: The Requiem, but I'm not as big a fan of the lore.

Unfortunately for me I got rid of all of my old school World of Darkness books with my last move. I had so much stuff and I honestly figured I'd be okay playing a different game.

I was wrong.

So now while I'm not going crazy and just going out and buying everything, I've decided to slowly build my OG Vampire collection back up. The cool thing though is this time I am going to do more of my own thing and I know the rules pretty well so I'm just picking up cheap books here and there. From what I've read about the revisions to the newest edition, plus the drama surrounding it, I've just decided to stick to the older stuff.

For example for my core book I just bought a copy of Vampire: The Dark Ages off of Amazon. It was only 12 with shipping and has most of what I need. I also snagged the original Assamite clan book for 4 bucks on Ebay and found the Dark Ages Book of Storyteller's Secrets and Companion yesterday at the mall. I plan on running a modern chronicle, but there's a lot of stuff that I can pull from the Dark Age books.

Not sure when I'll actually get a game off the ground, but I think I'm going to try to get my Dark Places & Demogorgons crew to play. None of them have any World of Darkness experience, so it'll be new and fresh for them.


  1. I'm playing in a 5th Edition V:tM game right now. The new rules have grown on me.

    1. Interesting. Care to try to sell the game to me?
