My brain works in mysterious ways. I saw this post of Facebook earlier.
I laughed so hard my face hurt. I also felt personally attacked. I live by myself and tend to run out of snacks. I also seem to have shredded mozzarella in the house though because I love pasta and pizza. It's not an uncommon sight to see me shoveling the stuff into my mouth like a cheese. This then made me think of everyone's favorite cheese goblin, Cheddar Goblin from Mandy! If you've never seen Mandy, you need to fix that. Here's CG's commercial that plays in the movie.

Cheddar Goblin
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 6 (1 HD)
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack: Bite (1d3)
Special: Can spew an infinite amount of delicious mac'n'cheese
Bonuses: +1 to Melee attacks, +4 to Stealth
Morale: 6
Terror: 7 (this only applies to adults, kids love Cheddar Goblin)
HDE: 1
No one knows the true origins of the mysterious Cheddar Goblin. All that is known is that kids love him and he mac'n'cheese has 60% more cheese than regular boxed mac'n'cheese.
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