Josh and I have talked about con-exclusive material from The Lone Bards. I'm thinking maybe it will be an adventure? I will also definitely be printing copies of Slashers & Victims to give out to folks that want it.
I'm really stoked to meet several of my online gamer friends, especially the sweetest man in the world, Diogo. I plan on having a few drinks and doing some impromptu gaming with folks, so look for me.
In case anyone's curious, here's my schedule.
Sparkle*Kitty looks like a blast. If I enjoy it, I will definitely by a copy to play with friends and the kids at the library. It will be really nice to attend the two Tabletop Gaymer events I have planned. Looking forward to relaxing in a free and open space with other gaymers. Mantic's The Walking Dead games look cool, so I figured the Walker Challenge would be a cool way to test drive the rules. Shuffling Horrors is a B-movie inspired card game I've been wanting to try. I've never played QAGS, but y'all know I'm a big lucha fan. I might even get a luchador mask to wear while playing. I'm always stoked to play DCC and had a great time doing a DCC Lankhmar game at Origins last year. Finally the Gamer Dice Jewelry just seemed like a fun thing to learn how to make. I have so many gamer friends, it'd be a cool way to make geeky gifts for them.
I can't wait. Still have some LB prep work to do, plus pickup a messenger bag, borrow mom's suitcase, and figure out what I'm taking with me, but this should be an awesome trip and I can't wait to make some amazing memories.
I'm bringing con exclusive stuff to pass out as well!