Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Meat Planet!!! (Hobonomicon #1)

Issue 1 of the Hobonomicon picks up where Issue 0 ended.  The book starts with a continuation of comics from the previous issue and a new one called The Cube. It's dark, but familiar to anyone that's worked in an office.

Now I'm going to take a quick break before I continue. If you are going to play the adventure contained within, stop reading now!

Okay now that it's just Judges and other potential purchasers here I'll continue.

We are given a glimpse of the last days after the Planet Punjar's demise and then what became of humanity. We then jump ahead 587 years, as humanity prepares to embark on an expedition to the MEAT PLANET!

As with the previous issue, everything, from the characters origins, stats, to how they get to the planet is randomly rolled. In addition, the locations they visit, sights they see, and end of the adventure all come from rolls.

The Meat Planet itself is very gross and visceral. It really gives an unsettling fleshy feel. There are also some really cool mechanics involved. If I player gets killed they are absorbed by the planet, you slip them a handout, and they become Meat Clones. They still seek to help the party but they also subtly try to get the party in the meat pods.

Just like the previous issue, this issue is full of over the top sci-fi weirdness and includes some amazing art. If you want to play a session that feels like a segment from Heavy Metal, you need to pick this up asap. Also like the Issue 0 because of the random nature of this adventure, you can run it several times and it will be different every time!

You can grab Hobonomicon #1 here.

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