The adventure centers around the tension between the settlers of Maywood and the indigenous people known as the Grass Sailors. Unbeknownst to both sides, a third faction, followers of the dreaded Gobbler, is behind the kidnappings that have set the neighbors against one another. In the adventure, the party must navigate through a dangerous forest, fight advanced versions of axe beaks and human/axe beak hybrids, and finally face the Gobbler's high priest.
This is a fun and challenging adventure. It's got a perfect holiday theme, but be warned, unless you like some cheekiness and bad puns in your game, you might want to reskin and rename a few things. Here are just a few of the goofy food-related names:
- Hillshire's Farm
- Punkin's Spice
- Fort Buterbal
- Yambling Mound
- Matuar Klukar
There are several new monsters and monster variants in this book: archer bushes, axe beak variants, dirty birds (human/axe beak hybrids), Killer Cranberry Bushes, Matar Klukar (were turkey servant of the Gobbler) and the Gobbler himself. There are also new magic items: horn of devouring and cornucopia of gluttony, and semi-magic feasting rules.
I really like the Gobbler. He's a super gluttonous Vrock who's nearing Demon Prince status. I think he's a great BBEG and would be a nice addition to games (especially if you're looking for non-standard foes). The thing that bothers me though is that he's only a challenge 7. Yes, this makes him scale to the adventure, but how is this guy nearly a Demon Prince, when so many non-named demons could squish him. I justify this by saying the stats listed or for an Aspect of the Gobbler.
If you want a fun and weird Thanksgiving adventure pick this one up from the Frogs.
I'm not sure what Tier 2 means either? If I remember correctly 4E used a similar terminology. Great review.