Thursday, November 7, 2019

Night of the Living Dead and the Public Domain

I know because of an error that the film Night of the Living Dead is in the public domain. However, does that mean the IP can be used to create other media? One of the reasons this came to mind is that I was reminded that CMON is doing a licensed Zombicide Night of the Living Dead

CMON just finished their extremely successful Kickstarter for Zombicide 2nd Edition (which I backed). This one will launch soon and wasn't a part of the of the just completed one because of licensing things.

Did CMON need the licence to make this or did they talk to the estates and film makers to make this look more official? I'm not a copyright law expert (or even novice) so I really don't know. The reason I'm asking is that I think it would be great for someone like Bloat Games to release a supplement purely based on the movie. I also thought about doing a standalone game in zine format based on it. I'm just not sure of the legality.

Looking on DriveThruRPG I see an art pack and an adventure that expressly say Night of the Living Dead. I snagged the adventure using some credit and it has pics from the film and basically recreates that. I'm curious if anyone knows the legality of this.


  1. I am pretty sure it is totally legal based on this documentary about it I watched. That's part of the reason it is almost always the horror movie on tv in various movies.

    1. I assumed it was and that the folks that talk about being official licensed merch do it so they seem more legitimate.

  2. IANAL and all that, but I'm also pretty certain that it's all fair game. The tradeoff, of course, is that you don't have your own zombie world to profit from...which I don't think is of great concern to you, but it is interesting to see how this consideration impacted another media franchise...
