Monday, March 9, 2020

Satanic Toaster (Evil Item for DP&D)

This one comes to ya'll because of Exalted Funeral's Matt Kelley sharing the video on Facebook. I don't know what I was inspired to make turn it into game material... but here it is.

Satanic Toaster

No one is quite sure how or why this toaster is imbued with infernal magic. Some say that a demon inhabits it, others say it was made for a demon lord who really liked to start their day with toast.  The toast made with it often has blasphemous or rude messages and images burnt into it. Whatever the reason it exists, those that eat toast made with it find themselves imbued with magical power. Anyone eating the toast gains an extra two points of Constitution for the purpose of spellcasting. Unfortunately the source of this power bars the caster from using Light magic. All effects from eating the Devil's toast end 24 hours later.

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