Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Punluvin’, Valor Knight Librarian

I wanted to turn myself into a Valor Knight so I did. Feel free to add Punluvin' to your game as a Support npc. Note I rolled the stats and created him as a level one character and then leveled him up to four. I want to actually play this character some day and will get someone to do art, until then here's a pic of his vehicle form.

Evade: 8
HD: 4
HP: 22
Armor Points: 3 (4 with Shields)
Level: 4 Support
Vehicle: Saf-T-Liner HDX

STR: -1 INT: +3 WIS: +3
DEX: -1 CON: -1 CHA: +2

Luck: 5


  • Repair - Once per combat, Punluvin' can heal a bot (other than himself) 1d6 damage. He can use this ability on himself outside of combat.
  • Forcefield - Punluvin' can place a forcefield around a teammate. The forcefield has 10 HP and the ally takes no damage until these are depleted. The ally cannot attack or take other actions while surrounded by this forcefield. Punluvin' can end it at any point. 
  • Generate Ion Shield - Punluvin' can create an ion shield that increases his AP by +1.

Equipment: Blaster pistol (1d6 damage), tool kit, carefully weeded collection of books and materials for all ages

Description: The Valor Knight known as Punluvin' was once an archivist.on Techtrillion. However, he was drafted into the Electrocube War like his fellow Valor Knights. Disliking violence he uses his knowledge to aid his kin in their battles against the Chaos Lords. Taking the form of a Bookmobile when he arrived on Earth, Punluvin' spends much of his time among humans, transporting knowledge to those in need.

1 comment:

  1. If I ever run a transforming robot game, I PROMISE you that Punluvin' will make an appearance!
