Friday, June 19, 2020

Floridians (5e Race)

Here is another 5e take on those mysterious inhabitants of Florida. Instead of being a human variant like the previous take I shared, this time they are their own race (though still descended from humans).


  1. As somebody who grew up in Florida and still considers themselves a cultural Southerner/Floridian (who no longer lives there), I would like to offer one critique. Florida has a lot of regional dialects that outsider find very difficult to understand. In my own hometown of St. Petersburg, we have an amazing combination of dialects that meld into our own unique language, the panhandle has heavy Cajun influence, and the southern part is influenced by both "mush mouth," "swamp talk," and Cubano. I would like to suggest that all Floridians are able to communicate with each other in their own secret code as a natural ability that other races/monsters cannot understand without the use of magic. If you were to add this but felt the need to balance the race out, I would suggest removing the bonus to CON as real-life Floridians don't seem to have any more endurance against anything, in any situation, except those involving meth or bath salts.
