Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Character Creation Challenge - Day 5

Today I give you a survivor for Bloat Games The Vigilante Hack. and the Cat Burglar class from Sanctuary Asylum.

Name: Michael Wilson
Vigilante Name: Zip
Class: Cat Burglar
Level: 1

Str: 11
Con: 10
Dex: 15
Int: 15
Wis: 9
Cha: 9

Special Features
-2  bonus to all Dex Saves to avoid physical damage
Do not suffer disadvantage for using tools and weapons to get easier access to something

Weapons and Equipment
Light Armor
50' Rope

HP: 10
Armor: Light Armor - 2
Attack Damage 
Crowbar- 1d6 
Unarmed - 1d4

YouTuber and urban explorer, Michael "Zip"  Wilson is a free runner who's life was changed when he came across a heist in process being perpetrated by a local mobster. Through skill and a whole lot of luck, Wilson was able to stop the crime. Loving the thrill, he has teamed up with a few local vigilantes. 

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