Sunday, February 28, 2021

Country Meat-Grinder Classics - The Hellson Horror

The Hellson Horror is the first in (hopefully) Tim Snider's new line of "hicksploitation" DCC adventures. His vision of Country Meat-Grinder Classics is 1930's Appalachian-like area cut off from "proper" civilization and in a perpetual backwoods tech, knowledge, and society. Guns and cars/trucks exist but aren't reliable.  Folk magic and superstition are common, but powerful stuff is the stuff or demonic bargains and dark witches. That being said, this can definitely be adapted to The Shudder Mountains, Weird Frontiers, or my Portsmaw setting. 

This adventure is for a group of 2nd level characters. Years ago a wealthy family came to the aid of starving locals. Unfortunately this depleted what they had and they couldn't keep up. The matron of the family made an infernal bargain and all were saved. Unfortunately a year ago the payment came due and now they most feed folks to a monstrous creature. The party get involved with their cousin Vinny goes missing on a hunting trip.

Tim has done a fantastic job with this one. I love the Hellsons and he's done a great job coming up with creepy features for the family. With just a sentence or two per family member, he's made them all fall unique. The devil-sows and Hawgziller are great foes too. Finally, as someone that grew up in Appalachia, I appreciate his use of polecat. 

If you want to add a taste of Appalachia to your game, grab a copy here. Below I've listed a few things I'd do to customize the adventure to some compatible settings. 

Replace guns with bows and the pickups with wagons. Other than that, this really works as is. I think I would change Xxyzxx to 'Ol Blackcloak. This doesn't change things greatly, just gives you more of chance to give exposure to established devils in the setting.

Really not much needs to change for Weird Frontiers. Like Shudder Mountains just change pickups to stage coaches or wagons. If you want to keep it Appalachian, you could set the adventure in Kentucky. Xxyzxx could become Shub-Niggurath since that fecund entity is said to operate there. 

Honestly you don't need to change anything. Maybe add some nudie mags for flavor and make sure someone falls in the swamp crap. I guess you could change the crocodile to a meth-gator if you really wanted.

Replace guns and pickups and this works in Portsmaw as is. The taint of Xxzxx could create a sorghum ooze or two.

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