Sunday, July 11, 2021

Ninja-K for Mutants and Masterminds (Official Stats)

Someone recently posted this in the World of Supers RPG Facebook group. This advertisement for Mutants and Masterminds features official 3rd edition stats for Ninjak was featured in Shadow Man #3 (and I'm assuming other Valiant titles). This is a dope way to advertise the game and I love M&M partnering with comic publishers to do this. This means that their have now been official stats for DC (which had its own line of M&M 3e game rules books), George R.R. Martin's Wildcards (2nd setting book and adventure, plus 3e character stats), Marvel Comics (Incredible Hulk write-up in Games Trade Magazine for 1e, which can be found here), and now Valiant Comics.

There was an official Valiant Universe game. I haven't heard anything about it in a few years and I would take this as the official nail in the coffin that it's not making a comeback.

As far as the stats are concerned, Ninjak is created with a beastly 248 points, despite being PL 11. Most M&M player characters start at PL 10 and are made with 150 points. This makes sense in game though, because when you look at abilities, Ninjak is the Batman of Valiant Universe. I know the images aren't the easiest to read. I've hyperlinked them to larger versions hosted on my Google Drive.


1 comment:

  1. This is a very smart idea, marketing synergy at its finest!
