Monday, February 28, 2022

Necessary Evil 5Evo


The Fate Of The World Lies With The Scum Of The Earth!

When the super heroes of the world are blown to kingdom come by an unstoppable army of invading aliens, who will save the day? Evil… The only forces left to take on the alien menace are the crafty and self-serving super-villains!

That is the premise of Pinnacle Entertainment Group's Savage Worlds game, Necessary Evil. Check out this review by Eric from Bloat Games. I think it's brilliant and I know folks that have played it that swear by it. I think it sounds fantastic, I just don't care for Savage Worlds. I just never really got into the system. In many ways it's very similar to Cinematic Unisystem, one of my favorites, and that may have something to do with it. It's close, but not close enough. 

As you know if you follow the blog or are friends with me on Facebook, I've been really into the idea of 5e supers again. That lead me to the yesterday of using Limitless Adventures Carbide City #1 and #2 to run Necessary Evil. Players can create their villains (or D-list heroes if they are more comfortable with that) using the archetypes from Carbide City. I'll also allow character to use my Toxic Protector archetype. I think I'm going to create some more villainous archetypes, like Necromancer, Parasite, and Assassin too

The plan is to use the setting and plot point campaign from Necessary Evil and the stats and rules from Carbide City. The npcs and statblocks from the Carbide City books (and the Monster Manual) will help combat things. I also have a lot of 5e supers content I've made that can be used. Finally, I feel pretty comfortable making stats if there is something those things don't cover. 

I think the game will have a Suicide Squad-esque vibe and I'm good with that. Players will be playing the bad guys, but that doesn't mean there can't be some elements of redemption happening. I could be wrong, but I'm excited to find out. I'm going to start gathering players, though I think I'm going to wait til I have my Carbide City #2 print copy before I start playing. 

Do you have any experience with Necessary Evil? If so, what's your take on the game?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck. I look forward to reading more about your campaign. I've read Necessary Evil, but have never felt comfortable with running a game where the heroes are villains, even under these circumstances. But that's probably just me!
