Sunday, May 29, 2022

Bleaksprout Review

Bleaksprout is an absolutely gorgeous risograph written by Frank Tedeschi, featuring art from Derrick Nau. This 28 page adventure for D&D 5e is an interesting mix of whimsy and cosmic horror. The adventure involves a cosmic fungal infection that shrinks the party and leads them to the land of the Underlog and into the Court of the Sporling King.

The adventure contains a hex map of the Underlog, which features 8 keyed hexes. There are several new monsters, including bleak-eating slug and the cosmic parasite. Said parasite is the ultimate big bad of the adventure and for the characters to return to their normal stature, it must be defeated.

The whole adventure has a wonderful fairytale aspect. Characters can go to the Croak and Swagger Tavern and attempt to make a deal with the dreaded Tarantula Witch. 

The layout is clean and easy to use. The prose is well written and the art fantastic. Because this is a risograph, it feels more like a piece of art than a gaming book. It can be easily dropped into most campaigns. I feel it would definitely feel appropriate for The Wild Beyond the Witchlight.

I backed the Kickstarter campaign. After doing a little Google-Fu, it looks like you might be able to get copies here. If you play 5e and what something different, check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Had to Google "risograph." :) This looks really cool; thanks for pointing it out!
