Thursday, June 16, 2022

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point and Foundation Review


Batman/Fornite: Zeropoint was a six issue miniseries released by DC Comics in 2021. The story begins with a strange crack in the sky that is a portal to the island setting of Fortnite. Batman find himself mutant and without his memories, fighting in an infinite loop. While his memory is wiped each loop, his battle damage and muscle memory sticks with him. He finds Catwoman and feels a connection to her. To make progress, he writes messages on his gear, much like the protagonist of Momento. During this time a mysterious group, revealed to be Dr. Slone and IO, watching him and sending forces against him. He fights various characters and even goes toe to toe with Snakeyes of G.I. Joe! Eventually Batman and Catwoman break out of the Loop and team up with Deathstroke and several Loopers (Fortnite characters), find the ZeroPoint and eventually make it back to their realities. The end of the story is rather sad because Catwoman and Batman remember their history, and Catwoman resentfully leaves Bruce again. The last big reveal is that Dr. Slone has joined up with Lex Luthor and the Batman Who Laughs for some nefarious purpose. This leads us into the one-shot, Batman/Fortnite: Foundation.

Batman/Fortnite: Foundation begins with the Justice League trying to stop Lex Luthor and a large group of villains from entering a portal similar to what Batman entered in the previous miniseries. In Gotham City a mysterious figure crashes into the harbor. Batman finds this armored metahuman, who calls himself the Foundation. After fighting and realizing they have a mutual foe, they team up to stop the Batman Who Laughs and the villains. The story ends with Foundation and the Batman Who Laughs fighting in the Zeropoint. It seems that the Batman Who Laughs has lost his memory and Foundation (who is voiced by and looks like Dwayne the Rock Johnson in armor) leaves him to battle the other Loopers, thinking he's not a threat. The final pages reveal that because of his Nth metal crown, the Batman Who Laughs retains his memories and getting to the Zeropoint was his plan all along. 

As a fan of Fortinte and DC Comics, I really enjoyed this crossover. It made the weird Battle Royale nature of the game make sense in continuity to the DC universe. Also, as far as I can tell it is officially in the greater DC omniverse and these stories are cannon. The art is great and the characters are fun. I will say there is a serious tone in the comics that doesn't fit the greatest with Fortnite at times (like Fishstick's death or the Batman Who Laughs headbutting Tomatohead and seeing his head explode), but ultimately it works. 

Since the Batman Who Laughs is one of the big bads of the series, I decided to give him 5e stats. 

Code Name: The Batman Who Laughs
Real Name: Bruce Wayne
Team Affiliation: Dark Knights, House of Conquest, Justice League (former), Legion of Doom, Secret Six

Medium Humanoid, Lawful Evil

Armor Class: 19 (Unarmed Defense, Nth Metal Crown)
Hit Points: 150
Speed: 30 ft.
Challenge: 12 (8,400 XP)

Str 18 (+4) Dex 18 (+4) Con 18 (+4) Int 18 (+4) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 18 (+8)

Saving Throws: Int +9, Con +9
Skills: Acrobatics +9, Advanced Tech +9, Athletics +9, Deception +9, Insight +9, Intimidation +9, Investigation +9, Parapsychology +9, Persuasion +9, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +9, Survival +9
Damage Immunity: Poison
Damage Vulnerability: Nth Metal
Condition Immunity: Poison
Senses: passive Perception 19, Darkvision 120 ft.
Languages: The Batman Who Laughs can speak and understand all modern Earth languages

Unique Traits
Broken Mind: The Batman Who Laugh's twisted mind grants him many boons. He has advantage on all Wisdom saves. His mind can't be read and anyone attempting to do so must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or take 2 (1d4 psychic damage). Additionally, he has advantage on all Saving Throws pertaining to being charmed or controlled. He is immune to fear and madness effects and spells. He is immune to the effects of Smilex or a Hideous Laughter spell/effect.
Cunning Action: On each of his turns, the Batman Who Laughs can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Engage, or Hide action.
Evasion: The Batman Who Laughs can dodge out of the way of certain area effects. When he is subjected to an effect that allows him to make a Dexerity saving throw to take only half damage, he instead takes no damage on a successful save and half damage if he fails.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If the Batman Who Laughs fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance: The Batman Who Laughs has advantage on all saving throws related to spells and magical effects.
Second Wind: On his turn, as a bonus action, the Batman Who Laughs can draw on his stamina reserves to heal 1d10+12 hit points. He can't use this ability again until he takes a short or long rest.
Uncanny Dodge: When an attacker his the Batman Who Laughs with an Attack, he can use his reaction to halve the damage.

Mutliattack: The Batman Who Laughs gets two unarmed or chained attacks and one headbutt attack.
Batarang: Ranged Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, range 60/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage.
Chain: Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage.
Headbutt: Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage.
Unarmed: Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage.

Legendary Actions
The Batman Who Laughs can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from one of the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Batman Who Laughs regains spent actions at the start of each of its turn.
Attack: The Batman Who Laughs makes one unarmed or chained attack.
Move: The Batman Who Laughs moves up to half of his speed.

Nth Metal Crown
Legendary Armor
This twisted crown of Nth Metal grants its wearer darkvision of 120 ft. In addition it grants a +1 bonus to AC, advantage on saving throws vs magic, and an headbutt attack (reach 5 ft, 1d4 piercing damage that ignores damage resistance). 

1 comment:

  1. Wait, there was an official Batman/Snake-Eyes crossover in a comic...? We truly live in an amazing world...
