Friday, June 24, 2022

Merci, Jamie

As I usually do, I've obviously taken some liberties with these stats. They were inspired by Jamie the supe hamster from The Boys episode Glorious Five Year Plan. He saves Frenchie, so I'm giving him an affiliation with The Boys.

Code Name: Jaime the Supe Hamster
Real Name: Jaime
Team Affiliations: The Boys

Tiny Beast, Unaligned

Armor Class: 20 (Natural)
Hit Points: 50
Speed: 30 ft., Burrow 30 ft.
Challenge: 3 (700 XP)

Str 18 (+4) Dex 18 (+4) Con 18 (+4) Int 3 (-4) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)

Saving Throws: Dex +6
Skills: Stealth +6, Perception +2
Senses: passive Perception 12
Languages: -

Unique Traits
Keen Smell: Jamie has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Disease Immunity: Jamie is immune to all mundane diseases.

Multiattack: Jamie makes two bite attacks
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage. 

Jamie started life as a normal hamster living in Russia. However, his life was changed when scientists injected him with Compound V. They give him strength, speed, and durability well beyond that of an average hamster (or human for that matter). His fate was once again changed the day Billy Butcher and the Boys infiltrated the lab he was in. He was freed and immediately attacked the guards working for his tormentors. When the carnage subsided, Jamie fled into the cold Russian night. 

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