Sunday, August 14, 2022

100 Days of Halloween: Day 23

 The Immortal Brain appears in Mister Mystery #16.

The Axe of the Keeper

This enchanted is tied to an immortal evil known the immortal brain. It is tied to a cursed castle and cannot leave its grounds. The axe is used to slice the top of the head off of the next keeper. The wielder of the axe is cursed with immortality (they cannot permanently die), until they place the immortal brain in another body. The axe provides a +2 to hit and damage rolls. Additionally on an attack roll of 18-20, the person hit must make a Death saving throw. If it isn't successful they are killed as the axe slices the top of their head off. This is only temporary as the keeper then places the immortal brain in their head, reanimating the body and granting the keeper peace.

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