Wednesday, October 5, 2022

October Horror Movie Challenge - Piñata Survival Island (2002)


A group of wild college students head to a small island to participate in a challenge and party. While doing a scavenger hunt they unleash a demon that has been trapped in an ancient piñata. 

I bought this on DVD at a Salvation Army store a few years ago because it stars Nicholas Brendan. While the actor has had numerous troubles in his personal life, I used to love Buffy's Xander. Reevaluating the series I've realized he is an absolutely awful person, but I bought the DVD based on nostalgia. The only other actors of note are Jaime Pressley and Garrett Wang (Ensign Kim from Star Trek: Voyager). Let me just say, the movie is as bad as the trailer makes it out to be. The acting is awful, the effects are bad (even for the time), and the characters are just dull. The film starts with an extended historical sequence explaining an indigenous tribes hardships with an evil spirit and disease and the piñata they created to trap the spirit. The film then jumps to the rowdy college kids. I just watched this one last night and I honestly don't really remember much of what happened. It was just kind of dumb. 

In Your Game
This movie doesn't deserve gaming content. However, you could take the spirit in a piñata plot and adapt it into an adventure if you want to do a Spring Break adventure. 

New Movies: 7
Others Horror Movies Watched Since Last Post: 
Challenge Total: 15

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of this and it sounds like I'm not missing anything... and I'm speaking as a fellow Xander fan!
