Friday, November 4, 2022

Westside Wraiths Theives' Guild

Earlier this week Limitless Adventures released a free pdf presenting a new organization to add to 5e game. This pdf, the Westside Wraiths Thieves' Guild, and a few others are available on the sites freebie page. The pdf is 7 pages of content. There is no art specific to the release, but the pages don't look boring and have appropriate fantasy border art. The guild is hidden under the cover of a tannery. Several npcs are presented. Each has three further adventure ideas, treasure, and extra content of some sort. The pdf is broken down as follows:

  • After a short discussion of the pdf and how it can be used, there are guild thief stats.
  • Logan Tannery - we get history and how the tannery became the cover for the guild, stats are given for Thomas Logan, the owner, one of the adventure hooks mentions an owlbear and those stats are presented
  • Wizard - Zazzer Leek is a wizard that identifies potions for the guild, one of her adventure hooks is about an alchemist trying to discredit her and the alchemist is given stats
  • Healer - Kendle Spring is the guilds healer and a priest with a history of violence, her adventure hook includes an exorcism skill challenge
  • Enforcer - Low Blow Bleska is a former pit fighter and the guild's primary enforcer. He's a rough and tumble sort and his special bola chain weapon is given stats.
  • Guildmaster - Master Thief Gendrik runs the knavish group, his adventure hook includes a group of young thugs (which are given stats). Another hook involves  wyvern poison which is presented.
  • There is a Side Quest: Owed Favors that's also presented. This is given to the party by the guild's enforcer and sees him getting the party to take out a gang of wererats muscling in on their terriroty. Stats for the wererats and their giant rat allies are presented.

This is a really useful pdf that can be dropped into any classic D&D style game. I definitely plan on using it in my next game.

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