Saturday, April 1, 2023

Super Sentai Saturday - Go! Go! Loser Ranger!

Sentai Daishikkaku aka Go! Go! Loser Ranger!  (also known as Ranger Reject) is a manga and soon to be released anime in sentai genre. The series is an action-comedy deconstruction of the sentai genre, similar to something like The Boys (though way less grim and brutal). Here's the plot:

Thirteen years ago an evil army from space invaded Earth. They faced the Power Ranger-like Dragon Keepers, and their super weapons, the Divine Tools. It took a year, but the army was defeated and its leaders killed. However, the Dragon Keepers like the power and importance the war gave them so they persuaded the remaining foot soldiers (who are nearly immortal) to keep the war going on by having weekly battles. The protagonist, Footsoldier D, is a member of the invading army and has vowed to infiltrate the Dragon Keepers and show the world what kind of frauds they truly are.

I've said it before. I'm getting tired of gritty takes and superhero deconstruction. However, I think the idea for this one sound fun. I also like the fact it's a comedic series. I might pick up the manga and definitely want to watch the series. It looks like an interesting take on the Power Rangers.

Check out the anime trailer:

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