Friday, May 12, 2023

Never Going Home: The Beginning & The End


The fine folks at Wet Ink Games have a new Kickstarter for their Never Going Home rpg. The Beginning & The End features three new books. For those of you unfamiliar with the game, it's a Weird War I game. Something has been unleashed and corrupted the soldiers and lands. Strange whispers torment and tempt those caught int he conflict, warping all. 

Two of the three books for this project are campaign dossiers. A campaign dossier is a tome that focus on a specific theater of conflict during the First World War.

Set in the Balkans in 1914, Bile In The Streets is a campaign in which characters take the role of Serbian partisans. Characters will take on covert missions. This book will include a new Alarm system for the game, which helps keep the weird toned down for the time before the Veil between worlds was torn. It also includes a list of Grimoires that characters can learn Whispers (magic) from. It also profiles some of the factions working in the shadows.
While Bile In the Streets takes place before the War, Spit In The Dirt takes place in 2018 (the last year of the war). Players take on the role of American soldiers from crossing the Atlantic til the end of the conflict. The book contains new equipment and how to make it, Nightmares rules to corrupt characters faster, and two new Whisper paths (Rage and Conviction).

Unlike the other books in the project, From Beyond The Veil, is a sort of companion book to the previously released Book of Whispers. It is one of my favorite kind of sourcebooks, because it's a collection of optional rules and material. New Deterioration rules make the central Antagonist of a Mission more dangerous. The new Animal Ken Whisper path lets soldiers go Snow White on Mother Nature's critters. The Material Pool gives new rules that encourage players to spend their resources sparingly. Finally there is information about what happens when a character becomes lost to Corruption. These new rules are featured in stand-alone missions. 

If you want something different and have an interest in horror or history, this game could definitely appeal to you. The books are gorgeous, the mechanics are unique, and the creators are fantastic people.  Check out Never Going Home: The Beginning & The End on Kickstarter now.

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