Sunday, August 20, 2023

VtM: Winter's Teeth #6

The second arc of Winter's Teeth seems to be focusing on the true nature of Ali. Cecily reveals some of her history to see if there are any tells. She also agrees to lend Ali to an extremely nervous Calder. She confronts Erin Runninbear before leaving and Erin reveals that she knows the only reason she hasn't been given the final death is because of Cecily. She also reveals that she will have her revenge. She goes to a club that's frequented by hunters and is attacked (though not by the person she expected). The hunter doesn't recognize Ali from a picture Cecily shows her, but does recognize what she's holding in it. She then tells Cecily the story of the Mortician's Army, before being killed. Cecily does some soul searching and starts to miss Ali, before she discovers the hammer Ali's been hiding and feels the sting of betrayal. The Anarch's Tale Part 6 focuses on Mitch, who's in the woods hunting. He reminisces about the time that he and his pack (which included Cecily at the time), were unstoppable Sabbat hunters. His journey down memory lane ends when he encounters a werewolf!   

Another of the Twin Cities' inner circle is discussed. This time we learn about the Malkavian known as Mother Joe.

I honestly feel bad for Cecily. Sure she's done some bad things, but as far as vampires go, she seems like a good person. Her struggle with learning about Ali is kind of heartbreaking, especially when she finds the hammer at the end. I don't have much to say about the Anarch part of the issue. It was cool, but not groundbreaking. It was cool to see a werewolf though!

You can get your own copy of the issue here.

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