Thursday, July 4, 2024

Give Me Fuel, Give Me Fire...

Though I'm sure no one is complaining, it's been a while since I've talked about Fortnite on here. I still play daily and I'm enjoying the new season (though it's really changed how the game is played). While the last season focused on the Greek gods, this one has a wasteland theme. There are also collaborations with Fallout and Marvel (which I believe is going to be the focus of the next season). Watch the trailer and then check out the new 5e magic item I've statted out based on one of the new consumables. 


Nitro Splash (Potion, Rare)

Harvested from the wasteland that has formed on the Island and possibly connected to Pandora's Box, this potion energizes those it touches.  Nitro Splash increases its user's speed by 10', and grants them a charge attack that does 1d4 bludgeoning damage and they gain the Siege Monster trait (they deal double damage to buildings and objects). Additionally, they can move across liquid surfaces as if under the effects of a Water Walk spell. While under the effects the users feat seemed to be wreathes ethereal flames. The benefits of Nitro Splash last for 5 rounds. 

If tossed on the ground the splash from a Nitro Splash will affect all creatures within five feet of impact.  

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