Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wait, Goblins Don't Wear Shirts?

While I prefer to post my own content, I also like sharing stuff I think is cool. I've been browsing, a site I don't use often, and found some really cool free/pwyw Old-School Essentials/OSR content. Today I want to share some of the great stuff from Goblins Don't Wear Shirts, a British rpg designer and illustrator. He has an anti AI stance, is pro trans rights, thinks black lives matter, and has a very open "Fuck Off Nazis" stance, so he seems like a creator I could get along with irl. If you are on Bluesky you can follow him here. Speaking of Bluesky, feel free to follow me if you're on the app. Now onto his adventures.

Goblin With A Ray Gun is a quirky one page B/X dungeon that's a throwback to early D&D adventures that combined sci-fi with fantasy. The lead into this adventure is pretty standard. The pc's are hired by Farmer Maggot to eliminate some rats that are loose in his basement/cellar. However, the real culprit of the mischief going on is Beebo, an outcast goblin that's somehow came across an ancient buried UFO. Along with the adventure, a supplement has been included entitled "OH GOD WHAT THE F*CK IS IT DOING NOW!?" This includes three d4 charts: Laser Beam Excavation (new areas to add to the map), Beebo Ups Her Arsenal (more sci-fi gadgets), and Wait... Did You Hear That? (random sci-fi complications/occurrences).  This isn't a standard adventure, but by the gods it sounds super fun. It could even kickoff a campaign.

Tarley's Bathhouse is a system agnostic adventure site. It's a spa/resort in the mountains. Unfortunately old Tarley is actually an evil cultist that likes to kill and rob his wealthier guests. The map for this one was done by Skullfungus which means it gets extra points from me.

The Dead Ermine is a one page OSE adventure featuring an alehouse, brigands, and a killer weasel. The titular alehouse is frequented by criminal types. A group operating out of it have recently captured a mustela mortis. This ferocious weasel creature has a deadly breath weapon. For one reason or another the party must retrieve the killer critter. This one is fun and can be dropped into pretty much any fantasy city or town. The Dead Ermine could also be a roadside tavern, tbh.

So You've Agreed To A Quest Whilst Drunk is a one-page Hangover-inspired B/X quest. The party is woken by a noble's courier who demands they hand over "the package" they signed a contract to deliver. The have until sundown to hand it over, or else!  An investigation leads the adventurers to a smuggler's den and the package. Players like to have their characters get drunk after adventures, so this is a fun one to spring on a low level party after a night of such carousing. 

The Tumbledown Tower of Magnificent Malangana is a one page B/X adventure set in an abandoned wizard's tower. Once again the players are hired by Farmer Maggot, although this time it's to kill a livestock-killing bear that's taken up residence in the tower. What adventurer doesn't want to poke around a wizard's tower?

The Death of Old Fred is a one page B/X adventure. While preparing the body of recently deceased citizen, Fred, hedge-witch-in-training Alice was attacked by him. She offers to pay the party to get Fred back and intact. I really got a kick out of this one and its a great example of an adventure that makes the players really think about their tactics instead of just hacking and slashing.

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