Friday, August 2, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - Day 2

"Most recently played."

Sadly I rarely get to play. Prior to 2024 I ran games at Origins, but never really got to be on the player's side of the screen. Honestly, I think the last time I was a player was back in 2020. This was an online 5e session of The Horror Out of Hagsjaw. This was a three or four hour session ran by the adventure's author and the mastermind of Planet X, Levi Combs. I played Milo Tealeaf-Tosskettle, a halfling rogue, brewer, and master chef. It was a blast. Let me say, Levi is an awesome dude and a great GM. If you ever get a chance to play a game with him, maybe at North Texas RPG Con, do it!

I might be playing something soon. My friend Lyn is going to run Call of Cthlulhu for the first time and once me to be a part of the game. I'm really looking forward it.

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