Wednesday, August 7, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - Day 7

RPG with "good form"

I believe today's prompt was intentionally vague. My interpretation does along with "RPG that is easy to use." For that one I said B/X. I'm going to echo that today, though this time I am going to go with Old-School Essentials. Not only are the rules simple, it has an easy to use layout. The text in the book is compact and concise. Another feature I love is that when something is mentioned in a book, if there is another section that more fully explains the concept it is site. For example in the Infravision section of the Elf class, after giving the range it directs reader to Darkness, p116. The book also makes excellent use of space. Unlike some books, (other than two pages) you won't find large sections of white space. For example the inside covers of the rule books are full of often used charts and tables (much like a GM screen). There are even page references.

I know that my recent OSE kick has definitely influenced my choice for today, but good stuff is good stuff, and OSE is good stuff.

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