Sunday, September 15, 2024

Fire and Fangs Review

Fire and Fangs is a "Weird Stone & Sorcery Adventures for Old-School Essentials" written by the amazing Diogo Nogueira and featuring art by various fantastic artists. This is a setting of savage tribesmen and dinosaurs, shamans and survival. If you've ever played Far Cry Primal or watched Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal, you have a good idea of what I mean. The book can be broken down into three main sections. 

The largest section discusses Stone & Sorcery in OSE. The core classes get reskins (and occasionally new features). For example dwarves become molekin, sentient mole people with digging claws and an improved sense of smell. After the class section Diogo gives us new rules. Resources are important in this genre and are discussed. Because of their importance, they also are a way to earn XP (instead of the typical treasure hunting of OSE). New equipment and commerce rules are provided, along with dealing with items of inferior to normal quality.

The next section of the book is the Mother's Vale. This is the default setting of Fire and Fangs. A hex map of the land is presented. Of the many hexes, 12 are named. Each of these hexes has a short description and random encounter. The three villages have problem and special subheadings. The other hexes have secret and danger subheadings. A bestiary of the area is then presented. There are 50+ stat blocks. These include unique beasts, tribesman, and prehistoric creatures (like dinosaurs and mammoths).

The final section is an introductory adventure called The Cave of Our People. The characters must perform an initiation ritual to be welcomed into a tribe. There is a mixture of exploration, roleplay, and combat. It provides a nice framework for an ongoing game.

Fire and Fangs is a fantastic setting and supplement for Old-School Essentials and other OSR games. As written, you can run some fantastic games with Fire and Fangs. Even if you don't want an extended pre-historic campaign, you can use the Mother's Vale as a lost land for player's to discover. This one is only available in pdf form at the moment, but will hopefully see print sometime in the future.

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