Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Big Book of Monsters - Rappaccini's Daughter

I love monster books, even if they aren't gaming related. A few years back I picked a really cool looking children's book called The Big Book of Monsters at Ollie's Bargain Outlet. It's written by Hal Johnson and illustrated by Tim Sievert. I love the colors used in the book and honestly it was Sievert's artwork that really convinced me to buy it. 

The book gives easy to digest summaries of 25 different creatures from myth, legend, and fiction. Each monster has a handy sidebar that lists: category, base of operations, when, powers, most dastardly deed, and fear factor. Sivert's fun illustrations highlight the creepiness of the monsters and after each description we're given a "Beyond the Book" section that elaborates on topics related to the monster. 

This book is one of those fun books I would have absolutely loved as a kid. I thought it would be fun to periodically stat out some of the monsters presented in different systems. For the first I'm going to go with a new monster to me: Beatrice Rappaccini. 

Appearing in Nathaniel Hawthorne's gothic short story "Rappaccini's Daughter," Beatrice is the daughter of a genius professor of the University of Padua. Raised in a garden filled with poisonous hybrid plants cultivated by her father, she lived an isolated life. She fell in love with the first young man she met. Unfortunately because of her upbringing, her very presence was poisonous. Insects died when they got near her and when she touched her love's wrist, it turned purple with a rash. Despite her condition, Giovanni loved the beautiful Beatrice. Though he never touched her or any of the deadly plants, he soon gained her poisonous aura himself. Giovanni's condition was cured by an antidote created by his friends. Hoping to truly be with his love he gave Beatrice the antidote. Unfortunately she was a creature of poison and immediately died.

Here are Old-School Essential monster stats for Beatrice:

Beatrice Rappaccini

Armor Class 7 [12]
Hit Dice 2* (9hp) 
Attacks 1 x touch (poison)
THAC0 18 [+1]
Movement 120' (40')
Saving Throws D 10 W 11 P 12 B 13 S 14 (4)
Morale 6
Alignment Neutral
XP 25
Number Appearing Unique
Treasure Type 

  • Poisonous Aura: Any creature that comes within 10' takes 1d4 damage.   
  • Poison Immunity: Beatrice is immune to all forms of poison and venom (natural or supernatural).
  • Poison: Causes death (save vs poison)
  • Toxic Essence: Any antidote or effect that cures poison causes death (save vs poison)


  1. Well...bummer of an ending...but I wonder if she could have been an influence on Poison Ivy...?

    At any rate, the book looks rad and this is a great idea to feature on the blog!

  2. I’ve wondered if there was an Ivy connection myself.
