Monday, September 3, 2018

DP&D - Episode 3: Sorry Kid...(Part I)

Episode 1: Chupacabra in Love
Episode 2: (Hell)Cow Tipping

Recurring Cast
  • Elliot Wess (Played by Alex) - Pot dealing hillbilly with a heart of gold
  • Cassandra Jones (Played by Stephanie) - Sarcastic goth with a growing obsession for the occult
  • Kit Brody (played by Jared, absent from session)- Teen heartthrob with a secret protective streak
  • Jamal Randal Farnsworth (formerly played by Billy, quit group) - Kid genius that tries really hard to look cool, help out, and seem tough.
  • Summer Fields (played by Sam, absent from session) - Good 'ol country girl that loves animals
  • RJ (played by Gavan, absent from session) - loner child of religious Doomsday preppers
New Cast
  • Tilly Hopper (played by Mel) - a strange newcomer to the town who lives and works with her mechanic uncle, Stew Hopper.

It has been a few weeks since the party encountered and dispatched the fearsome Hellcow. 

Finding out that the demons his parents spoke of are real, RJ has been spending time stockpiling supplies and reading religious texts. 

Elliot heads to Hopper's Automotive Garage and there he meets a new young mechanic, Tilly. While lighting his cigarette and trying to look cool for the cutie, his lighter's flame shot high and almost singed his hair. The two talk and Tilly claims to be from the area, but Elliot sees there her deception. Finishing he heads to pick up Cassandra.  They discuss recent events, Summer's riding competition that's going on that weekend, Kit's "big date," and Jamal's obsession over the Hellcow cape. Cassandra then lets Elliot know about a recent strange occurrence.

While searching for a deer skull to leave in front of Reverend Philips house (in retaliation for confiscating and burning their D&D books), she found a set of old dog tags. They appeared to be 20+ years old. While she couldn't make out one, the other had the name Norman. That night she had various dreams about a pugs and a little girl. Having nothing better to do, the pair head to the spot on Ghost Light road.

When they arrive Cassandra hear's barking and shouts, "Oh dear god, it's Norman!" A glowing ghostly pug rolls around on the ground in front of her. Much to her dismay, Elliot can't see the ghost dog. Norman barks at Cassandra and runs off in the woods. He stops to look back and bark more. The pair decide to follow them. Elliot is understandably skeptical, but given recent weirdness follows along.The pair come to the remnants of a burnt down house and barn. Norman enters the barn.

"Are you sure he's a good boy? I mean a few weeks ago I thought all cows were chill," questions Elliot. With just minor hesitation, Cassandra follows the dog into the barn. After looking for a bit, Cassandra finds a loose floorboard and book. Afraid of what will happen if she touches it, she stares for a moment, before Elliot grabs it and begins to read.

It is the diary of a girl that lived in the 60's named Ashley. She received two little pugs, Norman and Jean for her birthday. She loved the pugs and they were her life. The last entry was written during her teen years. Her beloved friends had gotten sick and died. Being distraught, she had decided to throw herself into a local quarry.

Having the story relayed to her, Cassandra remembers a local urban legend about a girl dying in the quarry, her body never being recovered. 

Norman starts barking and the pair follow him further down a path to a small pet cemetery. They find two graves, marked Norman and Jean. As Cassandra wipes the stones another pug appears and both become visible. The pair frolick for a moment before leading the friends to a quarry. Realizing they will need to climb down, they head back to Elliot's to get rope and whatever else they may need.

The new girl, Tilly, is waiting at Elliot's. She has back his donut which had been left at the shop. Cassandra ignores her and mentions needing salt and other supplies in case the ghost dog's owner was angry. Hearing this, Tilly's interest is piqued because she too has a love of the supernatural. She asks to come along and the trio head to the quarry. Not knowing what D&D is (and since Elliot had mentioned it earlier) Tilly is regaled with the glories of rolling dice by the fantasy loving trailer kid.

Climbing down into the bottom of the quarry the group followed the ghost dogs, visible to all to the mouth of a cave. Elliot and Cassandra get their flashlights out and Tilly grabs a stick and makes a torch (which Cassandra used to light her clove).  In the cave the trio find the tattered remains of Ashley. They are startled as the bones begin to float, glow, and turn into a spectral girl. She smiles and begins to play with her beloved dogs. She holds a hand out to Cassandra and awkwardly Cassandra attempts to shake it. Ashley smiles and giggles and then asks for her dogs' tags. After she receives them, she hugs Cassandra which is the most unusual sensation of the teen's life, thanks them, and runs away, laughing with her precious pugs.

The group feels refreshed and bolstered, like they've truly accomplished a good act. They decide to let the police know the body had been found. Tilly asks they not mention her.

Passing back by the house Tilly sits down. Having a strange spiritual connection to flames she feels as though whomever lived in the house had perished when it burnt down. She relays this news to her new companions.

Cassandra and Elliot head to the police department. Tilly stays in the car and they speak to a deputy. The office chastises them for exploring a dangerous area and Cassandra shot back with grade A snark. Diffusing the situation, Elliot changes the subject to a complaint he'd filed about his confiscated D&D books...


The session was a long one so I'm breaking this down into two posts. I'll post part two later tonight or tomorrow. The quotes above are actual quotes from the characters. We lost it when Steph made the "Oh dear God, it's Norman!" line. Actually we all want shirts with a pug and that quote on them.... I might have an idea for Christmas presents. ;P

1 comment:

  1. Loved it! You're a smooth writer for sure. And i liked knowing some of the players, it helped my imagination. Ill probably tune into these more often!
