Primhorn Graniteback - stout halfling fighter
Luna - tiefling sorcerer (dragon blooded)
Glynmaris - moon elf rogue
I will post short character backgrounds and art once I get them from the players.
This recap was written by Glynmaris' player, Kevin.
(At the Yawning Portal)

After the battle a loud scream is heard and a troll with 3 stirges stuck to his back and 3 other stirges emerge from the yawning portal. Glynmaris eviscerates a stirge with a throwing dagger, Graniteback slices through a second, and Luna incinerates the third stirge. Yagra and the tavern owner Durnan engage the troll in melee. Glynmaris throws an oil flask at the troll which Luna ignites, Durnan and Yagra use chairs to push the emblazoned monster over the edge of the Yawning Portal where it lands with a loud splat.
Volothamp Geddarm "Volo" impressed with the way the group handled themselves approaches the characters and offers them 10 gp each payable now and a 100 gp each payable on completion to discover the whereabouts and rescue his friend and fellow nobleman Floon Blagmar, who was last seen at the Skewered Dragon in the Docks district. On the way to the Docks district the group comes upon a scene where the city watch is investigating the aftermath of vicious battle between 2 rival gangs. Upon closer inspection Glynmaris notices that some of the men have tattoos of eyes on them, members of the Xanathar's Guild, and other have a tattoo of a winged serpent, members of the Zhentarim.

The group then traveled to the Skewered Dragon where Graniteback befriends the tavern regular's and persuades them to talk about the fight the other night. The regulars inform the group that Floon was here with Volo, and after Volo left Floon stuck around and met another man, one Renaer Neverember. Five men followed the pair out but haven't been seen since, although they are known to frequent a nearby warehouse that has the symbol of a winged snake on the door.
Arriving at the warehouse, Glynmaris picks the lock on the door and silently opens it to see the aftermath of a battle and 4 kenku inside. The group engages the kenku in battle where Glynamris throws a dagger into one kenku before Luna and Graniteback both take damage. Luna then puts 2 of the kenku to sleep with a spell, Glynmaris stabs the heart out of one and Graniteback and Glenmaris finish the fourth kenku.
After the battle they tie up the two remaining kenkus, one is wounded from Glynmaris. Searching the 1st floor they discover that the battle is made up of Zhents and Xanathar guild members. They discover Renaer Neverember in the warehouse covered in fish guts and vinegar, he tells the group that he believes he was the target of the attack he and Floon were engaged in, as the Zhentarim thinks that his father embezzled a large amount of gold while he was Open Lord, and that he hid the coin somewhere in the city. They think they can find it by using an artifact called the Stone of Golorr, which was in the hands of the Xanathar Guild until recently. It was stolen. The Zhents thought he knew something about all of this, but he says he doesn't. He says he hasn't spoken to his father in years. The group discover a box containing 7 magical pieces of paper that when written and a name spoken fold into little origami birds and fly to that person, the group called them tweets.
Everyone had a good time. The group meshed well together. We didn't play too long, because there were some last minute character creation things, but I feel like it was a great start to the game. We didn't even fall into the classic too much out of game chat, though that could be because all of the players didn't know each other. The only issue the party is seeing is the lack of healer. We originally had a fourth player, but haven't heard if they're still interested. I do have a few friends that are going to drop in and out, so we might be able to take care of things that way.
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