Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Cade's Rules For Drinking

Cade's Big Book 'o Booze is 70% funded and has 10 days left. I have a gut feeling that we're going to fund, but for that to happen, I'm going to need  your help to get it over the finish line. Please share with your gaming friends and groups. 

These are the rules for drinking that are the foundation of the zine. It's a combination of the D&D Next Intoxicated rules and the ones I came up with for the A-Z challenge a few years ago.

New Alcohol Rules 

Mead, wine, and common ales are considered weak. The Constitution saving throw DC to avoid gaining the Intoxicated condition after a mug of these drinks is 10. 

Stout ales, whisky, and other spirits are considered medium. The Constitution saving throw DC to avoid gaining the Intoxicated condition after a mug of these drinks is 15. 

Dwarven stout, Elven absinthe, and other extremely intoxicating fantasy brews are considered strong. The Constitution saving throw DC to avoid gaining the Intoxicated condition after a mug of these drinks is 20. 

Intoxicated Condition
  • You are Poisoned.
  • To cast a spell, you must succeed on a DC concentration check. If you fail the spell slot is not spent.
  • You have advantage on fear-based saving throws.
  • You reduce all damage you take by 1d4 points.
  • If you fail two more drinking saving throws while Intoxicated you gain the Unconscious condition.
  • If this condition was caused by a weak drink, it can be removed with a short rest. If it was caused by a medium drink it can be removed by a short rest and the expenditure of a hit die or a long rest. If it was caused by a strong drink it takes a long rest to remove the condition.


  1. Great stuff! Can't wait to use these at the table ... then under the table ... and on the floor ...
