Monday, February 25, 2019

What Happened To Kevin?

This is a quick recommendation/mini-review. What Happened To Kevin? is a very simple, but useful adventure generator that works for most modern genres. The pdf is 4 pages (one of which is the cover shown below). The rest of the pdf is a d100 chart of things about Kevin. They range from the silly "Kevin became a toddler." to horrific "Kevin is the son of the Devil." to the just plain weird "Kevin gives birth (somehow) to little Kevinlings when he's stressed, nervous, or amorous."

This short pdf is normally only 50 cents, but is currently marked down to 35 cents. It's a small price for a fun little accessory.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm not sure what their sales look like, but it's similar to the random tables you always include. You could probably combine some them into one document for ease of use and slap a 50-99 cent price tag on it. Not much return, but it could add up.
