Tuesday, April 30, 2019

X is for Xaphan

In some ways, the fiend known as Xaphan is much like his friend, Ukobach. He is an important part of Hell's foundries and is quite inventive. He is also obsessed with fire. However, he's much more malicious than his friend and is also a fan of wanton arson and has even proposed lighting the Heavens aflame.

Armor Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 5
Attack:  Claw (1d6)
Special: See Below
Move: 12
HDE:  5, 240

Xaphan cannot be damaged by nonmagical weapons and is immune to all damage from fire. He can squeeze his mighty bellow and knock his opponents back 20' (successful saving throw to avoid being knocked down). If opponents are blown into objects they take 1d6 damage.

Summoning/Bargaining Ritual Modifiers: Commit arson in Xaphan's name (+1 base and +1 for every victim killed)

Potential Boons: inspiration, immunity to fire damage

Potential Banes: occultists touch leaves ash smudges

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